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.::Rebeldes Albania::.FoRuMi i RebeldeWay&Erreway&Floricienta ne Shqiperi::..
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.::Rebeldes Albania::.FoRuMi i RebeldeWay&Erreway&Floricienta ne Shqiperi::..
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Sinopsis(historia) Empty Sinopsis(historia)

Mesazh nga Eli Sun Jun 14, 2009 10:52 pm


Si Cenicienta hubiera sido una chica del 2000, su camino a la felicidad seguramente hubiera sido diferente. En lugar de fregar pisos estaría buscando trabajos para sobrevivir y no le pediría al hada ni vestido, ni carroza, sino tiempo y la posibilidad de poder hacer lo que le gusta en la vida. Tampoco se quedaría esperando que el príncipe viniera a rescatarla, sino que saldría a buscarlo por sí misma y entonces veríamos quién rescataría a quien...

Esta es la historia de Flor Fazzarino... que como cualquier chica de 20 años tiene un montón de sueños por cumplir y una realidad que se empeña en alejarla cada vez más de ellos.

Su madre ha muerto y ella crece sola, desconociendo su verdadera identidad y creyendo que Fazzarino, un humilde marino y esposo de su madre, lanzado a la mar desde que esta murió, es su verdadero padre.

Flor se ve obligada a alternar entre diversos trabajos y changas para sobrevivir. En realidad no le cuesta mucho, ya que su osado carácter y su versatilidad hacen que se anime y adapte a cualquier tarea o experiencia. Mientras no tenga que estar encerrada y le quede tiempo para el grupo de música que tiene junto con sus amigos de la calle, está todo bien.

Pero un día Flor es desalojada de la pensión en donde vive y debe encontrar con urgencia un techo.

Si los cuentos fueran como la vida este es el momento en que Cenicienta va al palacio y participa del baile que le cambiará la vida... Pero Flor llega a la casa de los Fritzenwalden, que si bien no es un palacio podría serlo y allí, en lugar del baile, lo que encuentra es un trabajo de asistente de la institutriz que cambiará su vida para siempre.

Los Fritzenwalden, herederos de una importante familia alemana, son 6 hermanos, que van de los 24 a los 8 años, que han perdido a sus padres. Sin familia en la Argentina, quedan a cargo de Federico, el hermano mayor, que debe abandonar su master en Alemania y sus sueños para volver a ocuparse de la familia. Es un ser que hace años ha adormecido sus sentimientos, que parece estar enojado con la vida y que las circunstancias ahora lo obligan a convertirse en un rígido y severo conductor de la familia. A pesar del extenso personal de apoyo con el que cuenta, nada parece ser suficiente para domar a esas fieras por las que debe resignar su propia vida. Flor se convierte en Floricienta para ellos y después de "resistirlos" termina siendo la única persona capaz de sacar de ellos lo mejor y de darles algo más que una correcta educación alemana y cosas materiales. Así como el príncipe de Cenicienta alguna vez encontró el zapatito que le devolvió la felicidad, estos chicos encontrarán en Flor alguien que les devolverá la alegría.

Cuando ellos descubren el secreto de Flor, que son sus constantes huidas a la calle a bailar y cantar con su grupo, la chantajean obligándola a llevarlos con ella. En esa clandestinidad los hermanos descubren una vida que no conocían y que ya no será tan fácil quitarles... Arman con ella un grupo de música y baile y se dedican a animar fiestas y eventos.

Pero las cosas se complican porque Malala, madrina de Federico y viuda de Santillán, descubre a su muerte que su difunto marido ha dejado como heredera mayoritaria a Flor. Entonces Malala junto a sus dos hijas casaderas, decide destruirla y casar cuanto antes a la mayor de sus hijas con Federico y recuperar y acrecentar la herencia.



Should Cinderella be a girl of our time, her way to happiness would be completely different from the original. Instead of cleaning floors, she would be desperately searching for a job to survive. She wouldn’t ask the fairy for a dress or a carriage, only time and the opportunities to do what she really likes. Nor would she sit and wait for the prince to come rescue her: she would go by herself and who knows who would be rescued by whom!

This is the story of Flor Fazzarino. Just like any girl in her twenties, she has a lot of dreams yet to come true and real life takes her more and more away from those dreams.

Her mother has died and she is on her own, ignoring her real identity and convinced that her real father is Fazzarino, a poor seaman, her mother’s husband, who went to the sea since her death and never came back. Flor cannot imagine that she is the daughter of Santillán, an important businessman who died recently, was married to Malala, a greedy and hostile woman, with which he had a daughter older than Flor.

So then Flor does almost every job available to make a living. It is not really hard for her, for she’s daring and flexible, there is no task or experience she can’t take, as long as she’s not required to be locked up in a room and only if she’s given enough time for the band she has with her friends from the street. Whenever she can, Flor rushes to hang out with them, they formed a group of music, dancing and expression and that is what really makes sense in her life.

One day Flor is evicted from the guesthouse she was living in and is suddenly forced to find a place to stay.

If real life had anything to do with fairy tales, then this would be the moment when Cinderella enters the castle and the ball that will change her life for ever... But Flor arrives at the house of the Fritzenwalden family. It is not a palace, though it could easily be one, and she is not invited to dance but to work as an assistant to the private teacher that will change her life for ever.

The Fritzenwaldens are six: five brothers and a sister whose ages range from 25 to 8 years old. They are heirs to some important family in Germany and their parents recently passed away. With no family in Argentina, the eldest, Federico, takes responsibility for all of them. Federico was in Germany, studying to obtain a masters degree and had to leave all that behind in order to take care of his family. He has hidden his feelings for years, seems to be mad at life, and the present circumstances turn him into a strict and severe family authority.

The staff he hires doesn’t seem enough to deal with those individuals that made him let go on his own life. Flor is Floricienta to them and, after a phase of harassment, she ends up being the only person capable of bringing out the best in them and of providing them with something more than convenient German education and things you can buy. So, just like the prince found the glass slipper that brought about perfect bliss, these kids will find Flor to bring back the joy to their lives.

They will discover her secret (that she leaves the house to sing and dance with her band), and shall then blackmail Flor, forcing her to take them with her when she goes out. In such escapes, the children discover another way of life, which they ignored and are by no means willing to let go… So they create a group of music and dancing and start performing in parties and meetings.

But it won’t be so easy for Flor, as Malala, Federico’s godmother and Santillán’s widow, finds out that the deceased has left Flor with everything. Malala (who has two daugthers old enough to get married), decides to destroy Flor and get her oldest daughter to marry Federico, only to regain the money of the heritage and add more to such fortune. Being Federico so insensitive, Malala almost got what she wanted… A non demanding marriage, not really affectionate, sounded perfect as it would let him concentrate on his career and leave his brothers and sisters to be taken care of by his wife, his mother-in-law and sister-inlaw.

But, just like there’s always a fairy or a dwarf to change the events, in our story LOVE appears, and so we should believe that happy endings may exist, in fairy tales or in real life.


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Sinopsis(historia) Empty Re: Sinopsis(historia)

Mesazh nga rrita Mon Jun 15, 2009 12:32 pm

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Sinopsis(historia) Empty Re: Sinopsis(historia)

Mesazh nga sigi Mon Jun 15, 2009 3:39 pm

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